Monday, August 16, 2010

Miley has it wrong. It was a party in Can-AH-da

I'm back!  What?  you didn't miss me?  Oh, it's because I was on a long weekend.  Not a vacation.  There it's been clarified.

What I look like on vacation.  no for real.
I'll begin at the beginning and the end.  We went to Blue Mountain in Canada.  It's a ski resort only it was summertime.  So it was a summer resort on a mountain.  It was ah!mazing.  It's an hour and a half past Toronto.  If you're thinking, "ooo I love big cities!" redirect your thinking to, "note to self: never go on vacation when you have to drive through a ginormous city."  Unless you super fluffy heart traffic jams, of course.

Did you know that if Toronto were in the US (tomato tomahto, ay?) it would be the third largest city after nyc and la?  Approaching the big city, I thought, 'Ikeas! skinny people (maybe even famous)!, musicals! and Asians!'  Round number two:  Approaching the city I thought, 'Please God don't let there be more traffic jams that creep up so fast on you that I'll get whip lash and more importantly, will let the kids wake up."

I won't get into all the wonderful nitty gritty details of it.  But this much I'll say:  Starbucks under our hotel room.  Tim Hortons in Canada.  Pool.  Beach.  Mountain.  Someone else washing all of our dirty towels.  Beer.  Martinis.  Wine.  Live music.  Need I say more, friends??  Need I say more.
Front: capri sun. Back: cranberry lime martini.  It's not everyday that I have martinis. (garnished with limes, that is.)


  1. Um I wanna come next time that sounds AWESOME! and really not that far from home. Timmies and Starbucks in the building. love love!

  2. Very nice! Sounds ah!mazing... absolutely.

  3. Are you and Tony Horton back together again? Look at those skinnies! I've missed you friend :)

  4. Fun! (Especially the cocktails... lol) We are headed out again in a few weeks for Glacier National Park. I'm excited, but also terrified of getting eaten by a grizzley bear... I wonder if they will have evening cocktails there?

  5. That sounds like an amazing trip (minus the traffic part). There's nothing better than getting out of town for a few days to rest and unwind. Appears you had a great time :) Do you feel like you need a vacation from your vacation?

  6. You are so my favorite! "IKEAS< ASIANS< SKINNY PEOPLE" are my soul mate! lol

  7. Canada rocks! Come back and get it on again soon. And by the way, it's 'eh'. :)
