Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's the weather, i'm sure

What have you been up to lately?  Wait wait, don't tell me.  I'll go read your blogs that I haven't read in 2-3 WEEKS.

I've not noticed until now that these past two to three weeks have been bad.  1) no blog.  2) no p90x (THAT might be for a different post) 3) eat. eat. eat. eat. eat. 4) minimal exercise.

These are the things I care about people.  Being fat and virtual people.  I think a screw's loose.

I have noticed, however, that I am not nice when I don't blog.  So you might be hearing from me a little more.

I have more giveaways, but somehow in some virtual way the last two (even though I LOVED doing it) completely exhausted me.  I don't know why/how.  Stay tuned.

I think I need a nap.


  1. I think it def is the weather...when it's nice out I always get lazy.

  2. Its totally the weather, my past three weeks were EXACTLY like that, bad blogger, bad exerciser but good eater!? eek!I"m hoping next week will go better:)

  3. I didn't P90x 3 of the 6 days last week and am attempting to start the week over but still feel like crappity crap. Come back soon though, we miss you!

  4. I would love to be seeing more of you because I miss you like a fat kid on weight watchers misses cake.

  5. this too shall pass.... I'm sure its the weather. cheer up!
