Saturday, February 13, 2010

depending on who you ask, i might be more popular than I was in highschool

Like with anything, once I get out of the blogging groove it's really hard for me to get back into it.  I've been out of it because of the previously mentioned colds in our house.  Then from Thursday to Friday we took an overnight vaca at a relatively nearby ski resort.  (Stories to proceed later this week).

I figure that accepting some more awards will be a good way to kick start my blog metabolism:

I got Honest Crap (I'm so jealous of myself.  I've wanted this for ages.  Totally thought it would be out of reach) from Angelia.  She is one of my newer followers, and I one of hers.  I'm trying to convince her of starting a blog book club (right up my alley: book club via internet.  It's like 1% commitment.  Right up my alley.)  Go check her out because she has an addictive personality.  An addictive personality and she loves to read and her home is filled to the brim with books, including a shelf in her kitchen.  And they're not cookbooks.

So anyway, rules.  Rules, rules, rules.  Divulge 10 pieces of Scrap about my self, then send it on to 7 others.  (This time I'll let you know if I've blessed you with an award- I don't think I let people know last time.  So you might want to check it out just in case.)

10 Things:

  1. I'm a fool for DealNews dot com
  2. I love words
  3. I think I'll be a secondary english teacher when I grow up
  4. I love to participate in sports, especially when I'm good at them
  5. I love to cook and bake, but don't really find time. 
  6. I have a problem with the huge amount of money I have to pay to get my library card back
  7. I've never been able to do monkey bars at a playground.  Hopefully p90x will fix that.
  8. I'm often misunderstood, probably because I don't articulate my thoughts well
  9. I'm 110% pro life.  I'm curious to see if this will effect my followers numbers.
  10. I've got a spectacular sense of smell.
I think I'm stuck in a blog rut, so excuse if I've already given you awards:


  1. Congrats on your award! I have a good sense of smell too. Sometimes that isn't a good thing.

  2. Blog book club, woohoo!

    Thanks! :)

  3. i love. love. love words! tomorrow's post is actually about words...i did a post a couple weeks ago about words and i'm sure another post about words will be rolling around in another week or two...that's right. i'm a nerd.

    congrats on the award and thanks for passing along the love!

  4. Thanks for the award! And I'm 110% Pro Life too :)

  5. Thank you! In second grade I became obsessed with learning to do the monkey bars. It took a long time but I finally learned...not sure I could do them now!

  6. Thanks for the award! I also gave you one today :)

  7. My friend Christie and I have a sort of blog book club going already. Check out my posts on Christie and Angie's literature and blogging project. The original intent was to get others in on it, but no one joined us. We still have 3-4 books left in our current list. Here is the inaugural post:

    So glad we found each other!
