I've been thinking much about life. It all started a few days ago when I was yelling (okay, screaming) at the girls because they totally were not listening. Not justifying actions, but I also wasn't being completely irrational... okay, maybe a little irrational since they're just short of three and just past 18 months. Anyway. I pulled up the shade in my room, and Ms. Nosey Neighbor had her ear pressed against the screen. You think I'm kidding. NO. Of course I'm humiliated and wanted to lay down and die, but on a positive note this could've been my rock bottom. Maybe that will help me be better. A good kick in pride's knees can do magic. The little pride left that I have, however, would like to share that I am not a swearer, a name caller, a hitter. Just a screamer. Like, require-cough-drops-later-in-the-day screamer.
So I got to thinking why do I scream? I am SO content, I'm SO happy, they are SO young. Then I realized it's the busyness of life. (mmm hmmm I do think vacuuming and playgrounds make a very busy life) I feel like I'm always rushing. I think that is probably the perfectionist in me. I want everything done, and everything done RIGHT, so it takes a way from my children.
So everybody, let's rise up and all take a chill pill. Really. No matter where you are in life, make it the best time of your life. Love it. Love what you do, do what you love. Useless anxiety is... useless.