Thursday, August 13, 2009

Roman Shades (all the rage!)

One of the few blogs that I check daily is Little Green Notebook. I soak in all sorts of goodness from that site. Forget facebook. Facebook has been replaced with past Little Green Notebook posts. So anyways. A few days ago I came across this post from February. So glad I am sharing. Because I cannot contain my excitement. If you listen closely enough you'll hear a virtual woo-hoooo!

I had some windows troubleshooting. Wait! I have a Mac! ...Ohhh, for the love of wit.

Problem 1:
I found these napkins at Pier 1 about a month ago. Clearance. Love. Wanted to somehow make them into curtains. And have them as napkins. But only 6 were available. Couldn't have my cake and eat it, too.

Solution 1:
I went to JoAnn's today hoping to find something equally appealing. I'm satisfied! A bit more retro, but the colors are great. Many of the accessories in our kitchen are empire red. Mixer, clock, bowls, et cetera. The wall in the breakfast area is a shared wall with the family room which is grey. Blue and brown furniture in the family room with a yellow wall, this piece of fabric is very suitable. $8.99/yd (4 yards to make napkins with, too) and a 40% off coupon, voila!

Problem #2:
This little window had me a bit stumped because, like I said, the wall which the window is on is attached to our family room, however the window is in our breakfast area. I didn't want the same window treatments for the family room and kitchen.
Different feels, you understand, yes?

(Terrible picture. But still getting used to this blogging thing, hence pictures are very difficult to get up and to place where I want them. This picture is stayin'.)

Solution #2:
My cheap and thrilling Roman Shade!

I did do a couple things differently than what Jenny did.
  • I didn't have the plastic mini blinds, I used what were already there. I don't know what their technical name is, but I'll say they are accordion blinds.

  • Instead of glueing the fabric that hangs over, I masking taped it. I was too nervous to glue because didn't know if it would fold correctly. If the masking tape holds, I'll keep it. If it doesn't and I am satisfied with the look, I'll glue it. Basically just a preventative measure.
And the verdict is in: I am going to hang my Roman Shades first thing in the morning. I think the glue should take the night to dry, even though it says 2-4 hours. Hastiness would be a bad way to end this good documentary.

...although hastiness does sound awfully appealing. I can't bring myself to click the 'publish post' button. I'd best go ask Mr. Incredible what he thinks.
Hastiness wins, but only for a picture. Then I'm taking down to dry til the morning.

Mother. of. freakin'. pearl.
Not what I had in mind. I guess you should not use the accordion blinds. Because when you wrap the fabric around to the back 0F COURSE IT WILL MAKE IT ALL BUNCH UP.


  1. You may already have thought of this, but a solid (rather than print) fabric would still look OK when bunched up. Like maybe some solid fabric in that nice yellow from the print -- with some trim (in red?) in two vertical stripes along the left and the right, a couple of inches in from the edge? So hard to explain, but I sure can see it in my mind's eye. And if the print fabric is salvageable, you could use it for the napkins.

    I'm sure that whatever you do will be delightful. You have such a good eye for these things! Love you!

  2. I realized that, too, Emily! I still have plenty of fabric left and am planning on making some napkins or place mats with them. I'm glad I tried it, and will keep you posted with the replacement curtains that I will do (once I cool down from these!) Live and learn, onward and upward, progress not perfection. Get my feelings about these!?!?
